ADVISA Expands to Include Training on Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence Leadership Series launches as part of a suite of cutting-edge leadership development offerings

ADVISA, leadership development and talent optimization firm, announced Monday a new product offering on emotional intelligence to meet the market demands for continuous learning and leadership development on the topic. The Emotional Intelligence Leadership Series will launch on October 2nd and is currently accepting participants.

Emotional Intelligence Leadership Series Logo

The Emotional Intelligence Leadership Series is a 5-month learning experience for senior leaders, managers, and high-potential individual contributors, designed to help them improve their use of emotional information to guide thinking and actions, build trust and shared purpose with others, and achieve desired business results. It helps participants answer the question: How can I develop and leverage my skills to benefit myself and my organization?

“Many of our clients are facing unprecedented talent challenges. These challenges have raised the bar in terms of what it takes to be an effective leader. There’s no margin anymore for unskilled, careless leadership; emotional intelligence is a powerful catalyst for behavior change,” said Heather Haas, ADVISA President. “Leaders don’t need more knowledge; they need tools and experiences to help them adopt different, more effective behaviors for engaging and retaining today’s workforce. We created this Emotional Intelligence Leadership Series to meet this specific need.”


Research shows emotional intelligence and soft skills account for 85% of success, but these skills are only focused on about 10% of the time. When looking at leaders, emotional intelligence is a leading indicator of success, shared by 90% of top performers.

In the workplace, leaders are leveraging emotional intelligence to improve interpersonal relationships, stress management, and navigating times of change and uncertainty. A company with emotionally intelligent leaders is more likely to use unbiased problem solving, create a more engaging culture through relationships, and provide a community of support.

“Today’s employees want leaders who are authentic (i.e., they bring more of who they really are to what they do), empathetic (i.e., the leader truly understands employees’ perspectives and needs) and caring (i.e., the leader has their employee’s back within the organization),” said Haas. “The reality is that cognitive intelligence and technical skills are table stakes in terms of leadership effectiveness. What separates the most transformational leaders from the rest is emotional intelligence.”


The Emotional Intelligence Leadership Series utilizes the EQ-i 2.0 Self-Assessment, which sets the industry-standard and measures 15 competencies that can improve leadership effectiveness. In the program, participants will be able to focus on information directly related to their personal leadership potential and derailers.

For more information or to find out how to participate in the offering, please visit the website.