The ADVISA story

From "the PI people" > To transforming work cultures!

Back in 1986, a man named Bob Wilson took a look at corporate America, its systems and approaches to leadership development and thought, “There has to be a better way. If only I had the data.” That’s how it began…

Got a minute?

(Literally, exactly one minute.)

Hear from Bob himself how this business is all about people, and always has been.

But what started out as behavioral awareness has grown into a proven process that creates sustainably loved workplaces through the use of one magic – albeit often misunderstood – word: Culture.

Enter The Predictive Index®

In 1986, The Predictive Index® (also known as “PI”) was a stand-alone tool that scored people to reveal motivating needs that predicted behavior. In those days, it was a manual process. Literally, a paper checklist and metal scoring instrument. And for more than 25 years, that’s what set the consultancy of Bob Wilson & Associates in Indianapolis, Indiana, apart.

For the first time ever, clients had unique clarity into how their people were wired. Their motivations. Their innate differences in how they perceive and interact with the world. And how they could leverage those insights to work better and achieve greater things. This led to increased confidence among employees.

“Confidence is the currency of productivity.” < Bob trademarked it!

From day one, Bob knew how to train leaders on PI, which – in and of itself – solved significant business problems. The leaders who benefitted from this data had actionable insights to help them adapt their approach to meet the needs of people unlike them. By taking a data-driven approach to motivating and communicating with the people in their charge, leaders started building more confidence among their teams. And, in turn, it boosted productivity. 

CEOs were starting to see how much leader behavior correlates with business results and the bottom line.

When you increase your leaders’ capability in building employee confidence, productivity goes up.

If you think that’s easier said than done, that’s a fair assumption. (Unless you have a partner who knows how to do it.)

When leaders have data and clear alignment on where they need to be, they have “a map” – and they can accomplish amazing things for the company in alignment with its goals and objectives. 

Yet, still today countless CEOs continue to lose sleep because of seemingly insurmountable people issues that need to be solved in a sustainable way. 

Today, ADVISA offers a holistic lens to culture change – and a proven process.

We know that there are 5 essential ingredients for creating and maintaining cultural competitive advantage:

  1. Activation from above
  2. Trust and shared purpose
  3. Leader effectiveness
  4. Actionable people data
  5. Systems that support leaders

Good news! We can help to help you achieve all of the above.

It’s a tried-and-true process that takes a strategic approach to leadership development at your organization. The result is a work culture that creates a sustainably loved workplace. And when you create a workplace that people can’t imagine leaving, the sky is the limit.

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Bob Wilson

Confidence is the currency of productivity™

ADVISA founder, Bob Wilson

Special thanks to BJ McKay and the Leadership Talks podcast for sharing the interview with Bob Wilson shown above.